
MessengerDiscovery Live

Most people now have an add-on for Windows Live Messenger called Messenger Plus. There is a new add-on for WLM which not many people know about - and is way better than Msg Plus in my opinion.

Some Msg Discovery features:


Get alerts when:
  • A contact signs in or out
  • A contact changes their nick name, status and personal message
  • A contact opens or closes a conversation connection
  • A contact is possibly appearing offline
Webcam recording:
  • Simple interface that gives you full control
  • Start/stop recording at any time
  • Use any codec (that supports encoding)
Contact Manager:
  • See which of your contacts have deleted you
  • Steal your contacts display picture, nick name or personal message (or all three)
  • Find out which version of Messenger they are using
  • See how many messages you have sent them and how many they have sent you
  • View events for certain contacts since you signed in
Imitate Contact:
  • Use the !imitate command in conversations by sending !imitate
  • Your contacts do not see you type !imitate
  • Works in group conversations too
  • Copies contacts fonts and nick names exactly
IM Tools:
  • Have a nick name for conversations only
  • Send nudges as fast as you want (no delay) and stop nudges shaking the IM window
  • Receive as many files as you like (Messenger limits you to only three!)
  • Get the option to not tell contacts you are typing a message
  • Stop contact messages from having fonts
  • Formal message formatting
  • ..Plus much, much more!
  • Phishing protections is quick, quiet and seamless
  • MessengerDiscovery also offers instant message flood protection

You can download it here for free:

Messenger Discovery

I currently am using Msg Plus and Msg Discovery both at the same time and both work perfectly.


This software is 100% Spyware Free so its completley safe to use.

after that use different plugins..u will get from

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